Thank you to PlanetHoster for being a Diamond sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to PlanetHoster for providing us with their support!

PlanetHoster offers premium hosting solutions to WordPress users worldwide. Whether it’s shared hosting, managed VPS, dedicated servers and much more, PlanetHoster’s customers report that these affordable, feature-packed hosting solutions exceed their expectations. Their certified engineers are very experienced with WordPress. They work hard to assure that your WordPress site will run very fast and will be hosted in a secure, 24/7 monitored environment. If you want to offer the best latency to your visitors by being hosted whether in Europe or in North America, PlanetHoster might be right for you.

Thank you to Bluehost for being a Diamond sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Bluehost for providing us with their support!

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.

Thank you to Pressidium for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Pressidium for providing us with their support!

The Pressidium® Pinnacle Platform offers a revolution in Premium Managed WordPress Hosting that’s fast, robust, scalable and secure. Our platform is built upon our Enterprise Architecture, specifically designed to host professional WordPress sites. It does this by using webscale technologies and systems optimized to deliver incredible speed, unparalleled availability and the room to allow you to grow to your website’s fullest potential.

Our fully managed WordPress hosting service lets you concentrate on your content without worrying about your website. All of our customers get Enterprise level hosting as standard, because we believe quality managed WordPress hosting should be accessible to all.

Comprised of an expert team of experienced engineers, we’re used to taking complex systems and turning them into an elegant solution you can rely on.

Pressidium were proud sponsors of WordCamp EU in Sofia 2014. We are honored to be bringing our WordPress revolution to the first WordCamp Vienna, as part of our ongoing initiative to give back to the WordPress community.

Thank you to DigitalWerk for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to DigitalWerk for providing us with their support!

DigitalWerk is one of Austria’s leading web agencies. To create sites that propel brands to the next level is their calling. At DigitalWerk, experts in design, online marketing and web development work in close collaboration to create compelling messages and imagery that get noticed.

DigitalWerk has created many award-winning WordPress-based master pieces such as,, or its own site With Michael Schumacher’s site, DigitalWerk managed to prove that – when treated with knowhow – WordPress can handle multi-million page visits in one day. Performance and Security are key issues in DigitalWerk.

All of the agency’s websites are custom-built. The precise scope and features depend on specific (Online) Marketing goals and needs. Precise and clean programming is a major focus of backend work. The frontend is where DigitalWerk really shines, however – designers work on effects, animations and other features until they are visually and functionally perfect.

After site launch, no project is regarded as “finished”. Online marketing experts undertake measures to boost site visibility in line with the online strategy. DigitalWerk is an official Google & Facebook partner agency.

Thank you to WPML for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to WPML for providing us with their support!


WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.

WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 400,000 commercial websites from all over the world.

More information about going multilingual can be found at

We are hiring. If you are a talented programmer you are welcome to contact us here:


WPML verwandelt WordPress Websites in mehrsprachige Internetauftritte. Es harmoniert mit Caching, SEO und E-Commerce Plugins und erlaubt, komplette vielsprachige Websites zu erstellen. WPML kann für einfache Blogs als auch für Firmenwebsites oder Webauftritte großer Unternehmen eingesetzt werden.

WPML erlaubt Nutzern jeden Bestandteil der Website, wie Hauptinhalte, Menüs, Widgets und auch Texte in Theme- und Plugindateien, zu übersetzen. WPML wird weltweit in über 400.000 kommerziellen Websites eingesetzt.

Viele weitere Informationen zur Erstellung mehrsprachiger Webauftritte sind auf zu finden.

Thank you to Yoast for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Yoast for providing us with their support!

At Yoast, we help you optimize your website for SEO, conversion, and site speed, often using our WordPress plugins. Apart from our plugins, we also offer eBooks to help you optimize your website yourself. And if you need more specific help from us, you can have us do a Website Review. We make websites more usable, easier to navigate, faster and more reliable. In other words: we make websites work. Not just for the owner, but for the visitor. The added bonus is that if you do all that right, a website becomes easier to find as well.

Thank you to SiteGround for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to SiteGround for providing us with their support!

We are happy to introduce our Gold sponsor SiteGround! Though they’ll not be able to personally attend, be on the lookout for their great swag. A few words about them: They provide WordPress hosting that does not miss a thing!

Their servers, available in 3 different data centers across the world, are optimized for ultimate WordPress speed and security and they provide many goodies for the WordPress fans – automatic updates for the core WordPress and its plugins, WordPress SuperCacher for ultimate speed acceleration, staging tool and GIT integration for the coders and unique WordPress autoinstaller for the starting users – all crafted in-house by the SiteGround team. And still they do not forget the importance of the good old standard hosting features like the domain name registration, the email service, control panel and the reasonable pricing. They also have a support team that is not only available 24/7 by phone, chat and ticketing, but consists of WordPress enthusiasts who will help you with specific WordPress issues.

SiteGround has been actively involved with the community speaking, supporting and attending various WordCamps around the world and by sponsoring WordCamp Vienna they want to further contribute to the amazing WordPress community.

Thank you to WooThemes for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to WooThemes for providing us with their support!

WooThemes is well known vendor for premium themes and plugins for WordPress. An international business, founded in South Africa, their growing diverse team is now over 50 people in 16 countries. From their humble beginnings selling a handful of commercial WordPress themes they now offer a huge catalog of feature rich themes, and a suite of plugins that extend your WordPress experience.

Their flagship product WooCommerce is a freely available and hugely popular eCommerce platform. Powered by WordPress and built by WooThemes, the goal of WooCommerce is to allow you to sell anything online – beautifully. You can integrate with payment processors, easily manage shipping methods and inventory, set up flexible tax rules, and view detailed store reports all from your WordPress dashboard. With a free core platform and hundreds of premium add-ons available, WooCommerce allows you to set up an online shop with functionality catered to your store’s needs.


Thank you to Evergreen Media for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Evergreen Media for providing us with their support!

Evergreen Media steht für immergrünes Online Marketing mit Fokus auf nachhaltiger Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Wir verfolgen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, sodass die Grenzen zwischen SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing und Conversion-Optimierung verfließen. Das Dienstleistungsangebot richtet sich ausschließlich an KMUs aus der DACH-Region. Neben Kundenprojekten werden seit mehr als 6 Jahren eigene Projekte betreut, wodurch sich ein starker Praxisbezug ergibt.

Im Evergreen Blog finden sich Online Marketing Tutorials, die sich speziell an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen richten. Da WordPress unserer Meinung nach das CMS für KMUs ist, gibt es eine eigene Rubrik, die Ladezeitenoptimierung, WordPress-SEO und die Plugins unserer Wahl behandelt. Unsere große Leidenschaft ist jedoch das Suchmaschinenmarketing, was sich auch im Blog deutlich bemerkbar macht.

Seit 2009 beschäftigt sich Alexander Rus mit Online-Marketing und vorrangig Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Alles begann als Affiliate-Marketing-Einzelkämpfer. Die Evergreen Media AR GmbH wurde 2012 von Alexander Rus mit dem Ziel gegründet, deutschsprachigen KMUs ehrliches, transparentes und vor allem nachhaltiges Online-Marketing zur Verfügung zu stellen.

WordCamp Vienna 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!